Saturday, 18 June 2011

Monday, 13 June 2011

We want to live like common people.

Just applied for Work Experience at NME. Am not telling anyone, because by doing that i'll get my hopes up, as I imagine these places are as rare as a sober Lindsey Lohan. But since nobody reads this, I am safe! Oh small pleasures.
If I do get in (careful rachel, dreaming big here) I will stay with my Uncle and pretend I actually live in London and am ultra-hip and totally COOL. Fabulous.

The title has nothing to do with this, I just have the song in my head.


Thursday, 2 June 2011

I pledge my allegiance...

Am going out tonight to watch a play in my villiage.
Already it sounds f a b u l o u s. In true style am going to down the end of my Smirnoff and stagger over; apparently we get supper halfway through (?!) Another rumour is that it will be salmon.... I do not like salmon very much. Not very much at all. There won't even be a convinient dog to feed it to, might try and sit near a bin.

In the summertime I will update this much more, I might even be doing interesting enough things to fill it with GOD FORBID. I will pass my driving test and I will go on an adventure. Probably to the nearest beach but an adventure none the less. On a more positive note, bought some shorts t'other day. Feel very patriotic in them, but for the wrong country unfortunately. Go Obama.